Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Upstairs Ceiling

Today was my day off so I went over to the house to try and get a little work done on the upstairs. My father and I wanted to try and keep the ceiling alone upstairs and just drywall over the old lath but after we took a closer look we determined we couldn't make the ceiling level with the lath on the ceiling so I had to rip it down. Ripping down the ceiling wasn't difficult physically but hot damn was it a giant mess. The attic had about six inches of nasty blown insulation in it and when I ripped down the lath it all fell out making it look like it was something out of post apocalyptic horror film. Even though I had all the windows open upstairs I still couldn't see anything because of all the crap that was floating in the air. I managed to get most of the ceiling pulled down and once I get a new dumpster I will be able to clean all the garbage out of the upstairs. I was hoping to get the whole house demoed by the end of the month but it looks like it will be the middle of February if everything goes well. 

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